An example of an innovation from serendipity is Super Glue. In 1942, Harry Coover was working on developing clear gun sights for guns, however the strong adhesion of cyanoacrylate didn’t allow the work to be completed (Kamprath & Henike, 2019) . The idea of cyanoacrylate (Super Glue) usefulness, ‘sanctum serendipity’, “accidentally discovering something by being in the right place” occurred when Harry Coover was working on a heat resistant polymer for jet airplane canopies (Kamprath & Henike, 2019, p. 348) . Kamprath & Henike (2019) state that serendipity discoveries can be classified in seven patterns, one of which has already been described, sanctum serendipity. The seven patterns of serendipitous discoveries consist of: a. Sanctum serendipity – accidentally discovering something by being in the right place, b. Detour serendipity – discovering something by being accidentally at the ...