
Showing posts from April, 2021


Possibilities - Aspirations for Semblance of Normality - Video    

Technological and Temporal Forces at Play

  The video rental chain Blockbuster is an example of an organization that not just one change affected them, but three changes that put them behind the power curve and eventually was their downfall.   Blockbuster initially was innovative, changing with the times of VHS to DVD movie rentals, commanding an enviable position.   However, due to new technology being introduced, with a corresponding change in the market and an eventual innovative competitor entering the movie rental business, Blockbuster ultimately failed.   The technology being introduced at the time was the ability to stream movies to a multitude of devices.   This technological advancement pivoted the market away from physical movie rentals.   The entrance into the movie rental business by Netflix, first via DVD by mail then to movie streaming services, left Blockbuster out of touch.   Consumers with the ability to stream movies no longer had to physically go to a retail store to get a...

Discoveries: Serendipity, Error, and Exaptation

  An example of an innovation from serendipity is Super Glue.   In 1942, Harry Coover was working on developing clear gun sights for guns, however the strong adhesion of cyanoacrylate didn’t allow the work to be completed (Kamprath & Henike, 2019) .   The idea of cyanoacrylate (Super Glue) usefulness, ‘sanctum serendipity’, “accidentally discovering something by being in the right place” occurred when Harry Coover was working on a heat resistant polymer for jet airplane canopies (Kamprath & Henike, 2019, p. 348) . Kamprath & Henike (2019) state that serendipity discoveries can be classified in seven patterns, one of which has already been described, sanctum serendipity.   The seven patterns of serendipitous discoveries consist of: a.       Sanctum serendipity – accidentally discovering something by being in the right place, b.      Detour serendipity – discovering something by being accidentally at the ...

Case Study of Music Industry Employing Forecasting Only

  Discussion will surround the foundational knowledge of the eight-step scenario planning process.  This will be followed by an example of an organization that only employed forecasting methods and ended up being disrupted by technology which, interestingly, initially was a mutually beneficial partnership.  Lastly, the discussion will touch on the author's rationale for the future use of the eight-step scenario planning process in future innovation ventures. Scenario-type Planning Scenario planning is made up of numerous scenarios, which potential substitute prospects may occur based on today's decisions.  Typically, two to five scenarios containing adequate detail to determine the probability of success or failure of distinct strategic choices will suffice.  The scenario's aim is an important aspect that must be considered and customization to a specific context.  The scenario planning process is a systematic eight-step process consisting of 1. Issue f...